Janitor Cart Cleantools

Janitor Cart Cleantools

Janitorial trolley with base plate, compacty and creative design.

Bring the regular janitorial trolley to a whole new level.

Technical Specification :  CT-030
Base Plate :               51.3 X 45.7 X 6 Cm
Janitor Cart :               114 X 42 X 97 Cm
Bucket :               31.5 X 35 X 29 Cm
Wringer :                24 X 23 X 52 Cm


Jl.Kalimantan No 52 Ruko Plaza Del Espana Lippo Karawaci,Tangerang
Bp. Andy
Call / WA :  0852-1307-9473 / 087809699548
Office :  021-5512398
Email : Ardiansyh56@gmail.com

